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Richmond Consultingの理念

The environment faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) differs from that of large corporations, necessitating the formulation and execution of unique policies and strategies. SMEs require specialized knowledge in areas such as tax accounting, funding, licensing applications, labor and social insurance, owner’s asset planning, and inheritance tax. We believe that an accounting firm, which carries out these tasks and tracks clients’ finances, is optimal. Unlike large organizations, accounting firms often operate on an individual basis, including independent tax accountants. In large corporations, personnel changes make it challenging to consistently handle the same clients, and there are inherent constraints in large organizations. With a scale similar to that of a tax accountant’s office, personalized attention to clients becomes feasible. Tax accountants have direct interactions with businesspeople and possess specialized knowledge related to financial matters. Richmond Consulting Accounting Firm views itself as a business partner, approaching various management issues from the same perspective as our clients, and working together to find solutions. Our clients’ progress is both our achievement and joy. Let’s move forward together! 🚀
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会計事務所 行政書士法人 Richmond Consulting 

